
ice cream machine detector

unilever: how do you feel?

Unilever revealed an ice cream vending machine for the digital age. Using facial recognition technology, it can determine age, gender and emotion and therefor eventually help you choose the ice cream of the moment..


'the' gelateria: firenze / italy

Gelateria Carapina in Firenze

When it comes to my friend Anna, this is supposed to be the best ice cream in the whole wide world, well she has not tasted my father's has she ;)


eis in berlin

Dudes, of course I feel the urge to post that terrific photograph here as well: ice cream and porn magazine

shot in Berlin/Germany earlier this year


alcoholic ice cream by silver moon

As stated on the brand’s website, “Silver Moon, is ice cream for grown-ups. We’ve taken two after dinner favorites – dessert and liqueur – and combined them to create truly unique and luscious ice creams and sorbets.”




The blog for the subversive ice cream movement of I SCREAM FACTORY has gone live today. The goal is to make this page the best and wildest collection of shared knowledge and all kind of ideas about ice cream.

(research part project for MA Design Studies)


quotation of the day

Dear beloved ice-creamists, a view seconds ago, I found a quote from the man, whose comic strip Peanuts proved one of the most popular and influential in the history of the medium, Charles M. Schulz, I hope he would take a shine to that project:

"Life is like an ice-cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time."